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Advanced Energy Healing Course.

The Advanced Energy Healing Course is designed to help anyone who works as a Reiki practitioner or who works with subtle energy, including holistic therapists, how to develop and use their intuition and other senses in order to interpret the information they receive whilst healing themselves and others.  

Most healers and therapists come to the awareness that there is more to energy work than learning from a textbook can teach them.  It is only really with practice and experience that we begin to understand that any living organism can, and will, upload or transmit information to us in a way that we can utilize it to provide deeper and more effective healing.  We just need to learn how to open up to receiving this information and how to make sense of it in order to interpret what it might mean.   

Image by Michael Walk


Module One

PART ONE: Begins with a 2-day course at a pre-arranged venue or at my home depending on numbers. 

You begin the day, after introductions, by being given an Attunement created by me, to connect you with the same form of universal energy that I use to channel energy to others when I'm healing.

Following this, we discuss how to create the optimal conditions for working on ourselves or on others so that we are connecting to the sensations we can feel as well as the atmosphere around the physical body and the cells of the body.


PART TWO:  Understanding the physical sensations experienced during a healing session.


PART THREE:  Interpreting messages.  Most healers experience sensations, visions and imagery, smells, etc as well as picking up feelings and thoughts when they're working on someone else.  We can use this information and interpret it to understand what the body is trying to communicate about the condition it's in and what it needs to restore balance and heal.


Module Two. 

PART ONE:  How to record feedback from your client and note keeping for yourself.


PART TWO:  Multi-dimensional healing.


PART THREE:  How to create a thorough assessment.


PART FOUR:  Do we diagnose? 


Short Assessment - multiple choice questionnaire.

Writing in Notepad
Image by Frames For Your Heart



PART ONE:  Treatment options.


PART TWO:  How to create the optimum healing environment.


PART THREE:  How to source accurate information regarding natural healing methods.


PART FOUR:  Working with tools.


Short Assessment - multiple choice questionnaire.

  • There are 7 Modules to this course and you will work through these yourself in your own time.  The course manual and workbooks will be emailed to you prior to the start of the course.


  • Each week you will be offered a Skype meet-up to discuss any element of work that you feel you need one-to-one tuition with.


  • On the last day of the course we will meet-up again for one day where you will be given another further Attunement and you will have time to discuss anything that you've experienced during the course that you'd like more clarity on, or just for general sharing purposes. 

Register Your Interest 

If you would like to register your interest in this course please click on the link below.  No payment is required from you today.  Prior to the beginning of the course you will be contacted by me with an invitation to book your place.

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