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Soul Reading.

Life Guidance based upon your personal natal astrology chart and progressed chart.  A Soul Reading also includes Psychic Guidance to help you to know what's coming up in the next 12-18 months. 

Soul Reading

What is a Soul Reading?

A Soul Reading can give you a greater understanding of yourself and your own life path as well as why we have (and attract) certain friends, relationships and family into our lives.  This reading can highlight areas in your life where you can find your niche, such as career for example, it can also give details such as locations you might live in and your opportunities and desires for travel.  It might sound strange to say this but we have understanding of ourselves to a certain degree but there are other tools and resources (such as astrology) that we can use that can give us a greater degree of knowledge in a way that feels natural to us and can present some real 'aha' moments, making us feel like missing pieces are just clicking into place.   

I ask you to provide your birth date, time and place of birth when you get in touch and from this information I put together a chart for you.  When we connect for your appointment via a Skype meet-up link (you do not need a Skype account for this) I go through your chart with you before giving you a mini-psychic reading that will give you predictions for expected outcomes over the next 12-18 months which can help you to plan and prepare especially if you have a creative project underway or are looking to make some big changes in your life. 


If you would like to book in for a Soul Reading please use the booking link above. 

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